Top 10 SEO Tools (Free) to Rank #1 in Google [Updated-2021]

We are going to discuss the top ten tools that everyone needs to rank #1 on the google search engine List of these tools is below.

  • Google Stacks
  • RankMath SEO Plugin
  • Ubersuggest
  • Window Resizer
  • Google Trends
  • PageSpeed insights
  • Link miner
  • LSI Stack
  • AnswerThePublic
  • Keyworddit

I cannot believe that I'm finally going to be a Blogger, so let me do some SEO for my website!! what?! oh my god 179 dollars for Ahrefs, one seven thousand dollars for Moz, one ninety-nine dollars for  SEMRush where will I get all this money?

Will I ever be able to do SEO for my website? why is SEO so tough? why is SEO so costly? now if you're like that business owner who doesn't have a dime to spend on SEO then don't worry this is the right Blog that you have landed on.

  1. Google Stacks:

In this post, we will show you some amazingly free SEO tools, that you can use to rank higher on Google search engines keep following us! now if you're new to SEO make sure to follow our blog.

you know because we released the latest tricks and techniques related to SEO which provide value every single day that's right every single day more value so you know the drill now the first tool on this list is what we call the Google stack.

Now Google stack is nothing but three tools which are Google Keyword PlannerGoogle search console, and Google Analytics these three tools are more than enough for you to rank higher on Google search engines and these tools are free and they're provided by Google.

So they're good now let me ask you a question do you want to rank higher on google or do you want to understand what people are searching for then keyword research is the first step in ranking and doing SEO for your website.

Google Keyword planner:

Google Keyword planner

                                                                    Google Keyword planner (source:googleAds)

Now if you don't be good at keyword research and what people are searching on Google you gotta use the Google Keyword planner.

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool by Google that allows you to find new keyword ideas and do keyword research it was originally made for AdWords campaigns but we can use it to find new keywords and for most of it it's completely free. That's right it's completely free so why don't you try the Google Keyword planner link is here.

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics

                                                            Google Analytics (source:google-anylatics)

The next one we have on this list is Google Analytics yes Google  Analytics part of the Google stack and Google Analytics is something that every website needs to have.

whether yours is a personal website or a professional website or a business website or even a static website you need Google Analytics for your website in fact it's shocking in 2021 that many businesses and many websites don't how Google Analytics installed for their website.

It provides you with data and it provides you with interesting data such as how many people visit your website where do your visitors live and do you need a mobile-friendly website and how can you improve your website speed.

which content do your visitors liked the most and which pieces on your website are the most popular pages and how many visitors visited this is important yes how many visitors you have converted into leads or customers and where do these converting visitors go.

Google Analytics provides information to all of these questions and much much more so you need Google Analytics for the website. The link to this website is here.

Google search console:

Google search console tool

                                                                            Google search console (source:goole-search-console )

Below the third tool in Google, the stack is called as Google search console. Google search console also called GSC is a collection of tools to help website owners webmasters and a COS to monitor website performance in the Google search index.

It is a really powerful tool it allows you to tweak everything from structured data to spam issues and everything in between and that's why it is very powerful. Google search console link is here. So this is the Google stack it consists of Google Keyword planner Google  analytics and Google search console

    2. Ubersuggest:

Ubersuggest Seo too

                                                                                        Ubersuggest (source:Ubersuggest)

Now moving on to the second two the second tool on this list is Ubersuggest is one of the most amazing SEO tools that are available on the internet for free and Ubersuggest allows you to find the right keywords and keyword ideas.

Track competitors and their top-ranking pages and analyze your o website's SEO and keyword positioning all this for free isn't that amazing all of this for free try it out it's free the link to this website is here.

     3. RankMath SEO Plugin:

RankMath SEO Plugin

                                                                            RankMath SEO Plugin (source:RankMath-SEO-Plugin)

Now if you're using WordPress website chances are that you are you need an SEO plugin without that the manually doing SEO is such a pain and we recommend ranked math for SEO plugins the rank map allows you to optimize your posts with the keywords you're targeted easily to configure Google schema.

It also helps you with SEO breadcrumbs and a whole lot more this is a must-have plugin for your WordPress website try it out the link to it will be here.

     4. Window Resizer:

Window Resizer

                                                                                            Window Resizer (source:Window-Resizer)

It is 2021 and you need to have a responsive website is a responsive website is a website that loads the same and that loads that are optimized for mobile in reviewing for desktop viewing and for tablet viewing as well for all other devices.

So how do you find out that your website is optimized and how do you find out what your website looks in other people's screens there is a simple tool for that you know you need not buy mobiles and everything to check and open your website and check it out there's a really simple chrome plugin called as window resizer.

It allows you to view your website in how it appears in a small mobile phone in a big mobile phone in a tablet in a PC and what not it is a must-have plugin for your Chrome browser because you can test the responses within seconds that's right within seconds it's a very lightweight chrome plugin which is really useful and it makes it in our list of top SEO plugins the link to this website is here.

     5. Google Trends:

Google Trends

                                                                                           Google Trends (source:Google-Trends)

Let's move on to the next to the next tool on the list is also by Google it is also  is called as Google Trends now Google Trends isn't your average SEO tool it is much more than that if  for those of you especially in e-commerce and drop shipping.

It helps you find this seasonal trends to  your products and seasonal trends to your topics it is really useful this tool is mainly used to know the  popularity of a search term in Google. The link to this website is here.

Let's move on to our next tool as we all want  pages we all want websites that load really fast this is a generation that doesn't have patience and wants websites and web pages to load really really fast.

     6. PageSpeed insights:

PageSpeed insights seo tool

                                                                            PageSpeed insights (source:PageSpeed-insights)

Now how to Know that your website loads really slow or fast. How  do you find out we will  find out by using a tool called as PageSpeed insights Google  PageSpeed my insights provides you with useful insights that you can use to optimize your website to  rank higher you can use Google PageSpeed insights so that you can find the speed of your website on  mobile on desktop.

It also shows us code button now with that score you can actually find out what's  stopping let's say you score 85 out of 100 now what's that 15 thing which is stopping you from  going in 200 Google provides insights through that as well inside actionable insights like removing  CSS and except.

It shows you what's wrong with your website and what's stopping it from loading even  more faster and that's why we recommend Google PageSpeed insights the link to it is here.

     7. Link miner:

Link miner

                                                                                        Link miner (source:Link-miner)

The 7 tool on this list is a chrome plugin it is called a link miner. Link miner is used and it does a pretty straightforward job it just finds out all the links in your web page that's right it just finds out all the links external links including broken links and pulls out the metrics.

Link miner is a really simple very straightforward tool. You can find this plugin here and check out how to install it in your  Chrome extension.

     8. LSI Stack:

LSI  keywords and LSI Graph

                                                                                        LSI  keywords and LSI Graph (source:LSI-stack)

The 8th tool on this list is the LSI graph and LSI keywords now I can call this the LSI stack but before you know what is LSI graph and the keywords you need to understand what LSI actually is now according to Google LSI is also known as latent semantic indexing.

It is full of movement it is a  system search engines used to analyze the other words people use surrounding a given topic.

LSI  keywords and LSI Graph:

LSI  keywords are words and phrases with a high degree of correlation to your target topic now Google's algorithm uses them to help determine the content quality and relevance to the search term you know and they're essentially keywords related to the keyword that you search for on search engines.

latent semantic indexing keywords are simply keywords and that is why LSI  is important and their tools which also provide you more ideas it's called Ellis a graph and  LSI  keywords now with LSI graph you just have to enter keyword it gives you the surrounding topics around it.

The same thing with LSI keywords is here. It is pretty important to use it for your content and use it to rank higher on Google.

     9. AnswerThePublic:

The 9th tool on this list and one of my favorite tools for content research and finding out what people are asking are answered the public now with answer the public you can find out what people what questions people are asking around your topic.

Let's say your topic is the environment now if you go to answer the public and type in the environment you will see that people are asking various questions regarding the environment. 

Now answer the public you know surrounds it in a circle like this and divides the questions so that you can understand more clearly it divides the questions into based questions.

From this now you get a different keyword idea different topics that you can make content on and understand what people are actually searching for so that you get a better idea and focus your content efforts on the that's where answer the public is a really good tool and first, of most of the art it's free that's right it's free the link to this website is here.

     10. Keyworddit:

Now we are moving on to the last tool now. So the last tool on this list is called keyworddit. Now have you heard of what Reddit of course you might have heard about Reddit because it's one of the oldest social networks on the planet?

Now people in Reddit discuss a lot of things and a lot of topics now these topics are divided they are called subreddits now do you want to see what people are discussing in those subreddits that's right keyword will now provide that data.

What it does is like it is a free tool that extracts keywords from subreddits now it can be a great resource to extract and find out untapped keywords so all you have to enter is the name of the subreddit or the topic and that's right keyword it will extract all the keywords used in that subreddit.

That really useful now with this you have finally completed a list of tools that will help you in SEO that will help you rank higher on Google search engines and that will help you write better content. 

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