Best SEO Tips For Bloggers in 2021

The best SEO tips for those who are not getting any profit. what we're talking about and it starts with what is Google doing really like what are they trying to do ultimately just  think about like you're sitting in a room with a bunch of people and you want to find out something like hey where's the best place to get a sandwich.

best seo tips for bloggers
best seo tips (source:google-ads)

Well you go around and pay one person over here is eating a really great sandwich like where'd   you get that sandwich these guys like down the street you're like great I just found useful information.

Because I was  searching around I saw you add some keywords namely the sandwich it looked good I trust his recommendation and that's  all Google's trying to do you're sitting at a table with a bunch of people sitting actually in this case a very big table.

The  internet and what Google's trying to do is match up what you're looking for as an individual and deliver that to you as  quickly and effectively as possible so let's jump into some of these tips for not products number one knows.

What people are looking for what does that mean well honestly I think when we start creating our websites we're thinking about the content that we have internally right so let's say we have nonprofit resources and we're like okay what do people need how to raise money.

find keyword on keyword planner
find keyword on keyword planner (source:google-ads)

How to find funds well you can take a look from what you have or what people are looking for that you could then provide a great tool for this is the Google Ad planner completely for free as long as you go in the log in creating an account pretend like you're gonna advertise.

Then you don't have to spend any money so when they're what  you're doing is gonna end typing in a keyword that you think people might be looking for around your topic so here's an example of nonprofit.

We toss a non-profit and suddenly we get not only keyword ideas we get an idea of what are the total impressions the number of volume people searching age estimations we get gender we get a number of things that we  can then think about.

How we build our content so that people are gonna find it and remember it's not just that main term like  let's say I want to rank for donations which is a weird word to choose but you're never gonna be able to get to the top of that.

In the same way that like a small car dealership but never be able to get to the top of a search for cars think about the long tail which means nonprofit well that's a competitive one what if we did SEO nonprofit resources we might have a chance to index number to know the trend.

We can use slash trends literally one of my favorite tools to look at the search incidents based on time of year right there's seasonality to almost every single keyword that you're  looking at it's important to know when these things are gonna spike.

Relevant keywords around us and also in comparison to  other keywords all just giving you ideas For instance let's say I was looking for I don't know Christmas and we're thinking  about should we have you know nonprofit Christmas gift ideas or great Christmas presents ideas.

Because we're you know that Toys for Tots organization and we've got a back-and-forth which one matters more we can actually compare two keywords and in this case guess what take a guess yeah Christmas gifts it's almost twice as high in terms of what people are searching for.

So should you create a piece of content around the best Christmas gift ideas or present ideas become a lot  clearer attention when you see that one is a lot more search for number three think about evergreen resources we talked about before in content marketing.

But what I'm talking about is we found the keyword that people are interested in now  how do we think about facts how to resources glossary you name it that is always going to be an ongoing reference rather than something that's only relevant in September of 2020.

keyword planner use
keyword planner use (source:google-ads)

And then guess what now that it's 2021 nobody's interested because you dated your content try not to date your content try to make it in your mind the same with someone to be interested in this in one year hope so number four think about quality over quantity of links.

If you've learned basically SEO  before like the search engine optimization of your page what is Google trying to do ultimately how many links are coming to  you means how authoritative you are so think about we're at the table and I'm asking around hey who's got the best sandwich here.

And I ask you an esky USQ everyone kind of points to the person eating the sandwich great every link dingo  another web site online is like a vote in the same way that your link's all of them are not equal so high reputation or authority  actually matters.

A whole lot and in the past and like late 20s early 2001s links were all about just like the more the  merrier right the more links we have coming in  we can trick Google into thinking that we're important that doesn't work anymore right.

So it's not the more the better it's the better think about high authority sites so news sites social  sites positive references like that IDI use people that are referencing you as like an authority around a keyword  is what really matters.

Focus on building those kinds of links, you can do that through embedding this and press releases you  can make sure that when you're sharing on social you've got the proper links back and think about Pinterest and a bunch of other the different sites.

Where you're sharing your content but driving these links back around keywords that are related to  your content so you don't want to just be linking to your homepage because that's kind of a waste you want  to link  directly to that resource on your site.

That is trying to serve as the authority on the given keyword, you're trying to write for  number five use a proper CMS with tags okay what does all that jargony stuff mean CMS content  management system.

So  for example WordPress great one truthful a number of others out there all that means is that your code is properly being done  so that all you have to do is type in as though it were like a word document and your title will be there the right keywords would be there.

Lets you control the Meta Description and lets you tag kind of like organizing your content in a  the way that you can have topics that are relevant to your organization so coming up with good tags and categories think about  how you organize the different topics inside of your organization.

Are you trying to organize by a disease type a health type poetry resource maybe well all of those tags you want to establish early on in your content process nothing is worse than having to go back and retag a bunch of your articles.

free keyword planner tool
free keyword planner tool (source:google-ads)

Why you want to do this is because in a system like WordPress says any sort of thing that you have tagged maybe you've tagged a bunch of content with google analytics well at the bottom of your articles what will happen is it's automatically going to have a link and you click on that link and it shows you all of the articles that have been tagged with google analytics.

That's building internal linking turn your site and it's also helping people find what they maybe looking for giving me a second bite at the Apple for internal tags and organization that the little Googlebot is running around your site will index number six mobile matters.

I really don't know if I need to add that much more to it if you're reading this on totallyserial there's a 50% chance you're on a the mobile device I'll leave it there but make sure your content is responsive number seven pay attention to Google+ for both your business and your staff.

Here's why there's a thing called author rank and I'm showing you an example right now if I search for the four common pitfalls of Google URL tagging.

You'll see that in this article it says, George Winer wrote it underneath it so while Google's trying to do is return back to those like human days of search, I'm sitting at a table and like who knows about sandwiches obviously that guy who's eating the sandwiches.

A reputation knows his business right it looks like a tasty sandwich and so they're trying to match up who wrote the article with the reputation of the organization along with a lot of other factors but trying to keep it simple who knows about the stuff and how do I get it to the person as quickly as possible.

Ultimately to really future-proof your strategy you need to become a trusted person and a trusted organization that creates content that people are looking for and makes sure I make sure that on the devices they look for it on that it shows up properly.

That's pretty much it all Google's trying to do is return to those human days of search I'm sitting around a table and saying who here is a reputable source on sandwiches and the person with like sandwich all over their face.

I'm like you any content you produce on sandwiches is probably gonna be pretty good we've covered so much today tons of tools and resources so we put them up right here .

So I just hit pause on how they got free space okay hopefully there's enough time for you well that's what I got for you those are the best SEO tips for nonprofits.

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